Voyager autrement ?

You no longer wish to travel without worrying about the dignity and well-being of the people you meet?

You don't want to do charity but want to contribute to a fair and balanced exchange between yourself and a local community?

So are we!
This is why we created "aFairJourney". It is an exchange between local development projects and individuals wishing to discover new horizons. We identify the development project of a rural community in exchange for a visit to their territory. We present the project and the offer of a visit and if the seduction works, you become a member of the "aFairJourney" community. An authentic and warm journey awaits you and, on the spot, a sustainable development project will come to life thanks to a cultural encounter rich in mutual gifts.

Origin of a project

The concept of "A Fair Journey" was born from a double observation concerning development aid and ecotourism. In the first case, we observed the extent to which unrequited development aid from the beneficiary populations puts these same populations in the status of assisted, which undermines the very dignity of individuals. In the second case, the awareness by many travelers of the negative impacts of tourism on the environments as well as on the populations leads a growing number of people to seek more equity and ethics in their project of discovering the world and from other cultures. Finally, on one hand, we have communities (village, group, associations ...) who do not have the funding for their sustainable development projects but who live in environments with exceptional ecotourism potential (landscapes, fauna, flora, etc. .) and which have cultures rich in tradition and history. And on the other hand, we have people who have the necessary means to finance a trip but who want to discover these new horizons with fairness and respect for local populations. "A Fair Journey" was therefore born from this meeting. For "A Fair Journey", it is therefore about putting these communities and their projects in touch with these new travelers, concerned about ethics and sharing.

Welcome to the world of fair journey!

contact us

The Team


Lunalogic / Cercle Saldae
+33 6 71 38 73 35

Creator and President of LUNALOGIC, an expertise firm in the fields of finance, the banking sector through its two areas of expertise, Business and Technology. She is also the animator of the Saldae circle whose objective is to create bridges between the North and the South, in particular between France and Kabylie in Algeria. As such, she works for the ecotourism development of a village in Kabylie: Taddert Tamokrant

Nicolas HUBERT

NH Consulting
+33 6 76 33 67 89

Expert in ecotourism and sustainable development for more than 20 years, he has worked directly in contact with rural and pastoral communities, mainly in Africa and the Indian Ocean. In particular, in Tanzania, Madagascar and Gabon, it enabled the financing of sustainable development projects through ecotourism and the creation of partnerships between communities in the North and the South.